Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Gender in the workplace essays
Gender in the workplace essays Gender Discrimination in the Work Place Is it fair that men make more money than women do, even though they both have the same qualifications? Is it fair that women are less likely than men to get promoted are? Is it fair that women start at lower positions in the work place than men do? Discrimination in the work place is hindering gender relations in todays modern society. Women are getting fed up with always being treated unfairly by the employers. They feel that employers should base their decision on who can do the better job, not who is the male and who is the female. Hiring, promotion, and salaries are the three main factors that separate the men from the women in the work place. In hiring, men are much more likely to get a job than women are. Although in the last 10 to 15 years, women have gradually closed the gaps. In 1974, 14 to 25% of women earned bachelor degrees in computer and mathematical science. While in 1989, the women that earned the same degrees were 33 to 37% of the graduates. (Frenkel, 1990) Now, because the percentage of bachelor degrees has increased during that period, you would think that the hiring increase would be the same. Well, the hiring of women has only increased about 5%. So, are employers really looking for who gets hired with what degree or is it irrelevant? I feel that for the most part, employers do look at the accomplishments of a future employee, regardless of gender. In the past, that might have been different, but today, an employer would hire a more highly skilled women worker, than an average male worker. I think employers have a sort of obligation to hire the women. The companies sometimes feel that if they dont hire enough women, a discrimination suit could arise and that would hurt not only the company financially, but their reputation as well. In almost every industry, women occupy a very small proportion of the higher-level positions. For example, ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Research Paper on The Effect of Dark Cola and Clear Cola on essays
Research Paper on The Effect of Dark Cola and Clear Cola on essays The first way that food decays is Putrefaction. In this way, it is when biological decomposing of organic matter, with ill-smelling and tasting products. In this type of decomposition there is no oxygen present. The first step to the Putrefaction, a type of decomposition, is the material is decomposed into a material called strata. It separates into air, water, and Earth. With in the layers of things which involves the mastery of the mineral in the process of decomposition. The second way of decomposition is Fermentation. Fermentation is defined at an energy yielding process whereby organic molecules serve as both electron donors and electron accepters. Fermentation occurs when chemical changes in organic substances are produced by the action of enzymes. The other general definition is all chemical reactions of physiological importance, and scientists today often restrict the term to the action of specific enzymes. These enzymes are called ferments; they are produced by minute organisms such as molds, bacteria, and yeasts. For example, lactose, a ferment produced by bacteria, usually found in milk, causes the milk to sour by changing lactose (sugar milk) into lactic acid. The molecule being metabolized does not have all its potential energy extracted from it. In other words, it is not completely oxidized. The micro flora is a place where they check for different types of decomposition around farm animals to see exactly how harmful it is. Here are some of the results they got from it about decomposition. For the fermentation process occurs in a lagoon, the micro flora environment must be conducive to a fermentative culture. It is possible to change that micro flora environment with the introduction of a selected group of natural micro organisms into the lagoon. With the fermentation process, riddance or elimination of odor is possible because the by-products of the fermentative culture are carbon dioxide and water, which are enviro...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
STEWARTSHCES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
STEWARTSHCES - Essay Example Within 1 day, personnel within the relevant departments must participate optimally in establishing the relationship between existing promotional techniques and corresponding sales revenue generated. Upon linking promotional technique with resultant sales revenue, the next step involves evaluating cost of each promotion strategy. Each technique possesses unique advantages and disadvantages. On the second day, cost of direct mailing or in-store signs must be harmonized with budgeted resources. A meeting with all store managers should be held within 2 weeks. After analyzing effectiveness of promotional techniques and their corresponding costs, information gained will be useful in making objective marketing decisions. The president will use this information in influencing the managerââ¬â¢s perspective on advertisement. Upon completion of the meeting, each manager will present his or her opinion on challenges likely to emanate from the new marketing policies. Opinions from individual managers will be analyzed and addressed accordingly, like by increasing monetary allocation to a certain managerââ¬â¢s area. Some managers and buyers may become uncomfortable with adopted promotional measures. For example, disparity in consumersââ¬â¢ age characteristics may not allow implementation of social media marketing in all markets. Therefore, appropriate adjustments will be made in order to optimize promotional technique used in every market segment. Stewart Shoes is currently doing well in terms of sales. Since its establishment in 1953, this company has expanded because it adopted effective business models. However, business environments keep changing; hence necessitating adjustment of operation protocols. Adjustment of traditional business framework usually creates conflict between stakeholders. Currently, managers from various departments have diverse opinions on the value of money used in advertisement and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Feminism in Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Feminism in Literature - Essay Example Men had more rights, and it seemed to be the most natural thing. The term "feminism" generally meant "the qualities of females during the mid-1800s. (Sally Haslanger; Topics in Feminism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) But in a way, it sort of distinguished women from men and may have led some women to start comparing the rights and roles attributed to both. After the First International Women's Conference in Paris in 1892, the term "feminism" came to mean "the belief in and advocacy of equal rights for women based on the idea of the equality of the sexes." (Sally Haslanger; Topics in Feminism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) "On the wave model, the struggle to achieve basic political rights during the period from the mid-19th century until the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920 counts as 'First Wave' feminism. Feminism waned between the two world wars, to be 'revived' in the late 1960s and early 1970s as 'Second Wave' feminism. In this second wave, feminists pushed beyond the early quest for political rights to fight for greater equality across the board, e.g., in education, the workplace, and at home. More recent transformations of feminism have resulted in a 'Third Wave'. Third Wave feminists often critique Second Wave feminism for its lack of attention to the difference among women due to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, and emphasize 'identity' as a site of gender struggle." (Sally Haslanger; Topics in Feminism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) No doubt, feminism was meant to be founded and rallied for by women - it was just a question of which age in the history of the world it was destined to finally be started. No doubt, women were destined to know there is more to life that what it had to offer them during the dark ages when the world was mostly the men's world. A.2 The Major Issues and Concerns of Feminism There have been many published definitions of feminism, and there have been varying causes that feminism, as represented by different groups of women, has lobbied for. One general statement about feminism goes as follows: "Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms." (Sally Haslanger; Topics in Feminism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Justice for women, though, cannot always be easily determined - because women do not always compose one unified and solid group. This is because of the many varieties and differences that can be used as divisions - this can be both good and bad. When done in a logical and organized way that is accepted by everybody as binding and fair, then the further formation of small groups within the whole all-encompassing group would have meant strength in terms of unity and solidarity in the face of many issues and problems of the society. Feminism may be deemed as simply protecting the interests of women or fighting for their equal rights with men. "However, there are many different kinds of feminism. Feminists disagree about what feminism consists in, and what exactly ought to be done about it; they disagree about what it means to be a woman or a man and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
A personalised induction will always be more affective Essay Example for Free
A personalised induction will always be more affective Essay A personalised induction will always be more affective Discuss. Base your answers on theoretical concepts and techniques presented in class This essay will assess the usefulness of personalised inductions in hpnotherapy sessions. As well as taking a look at when a personalised screed is not needed and the many ways there are to assess which style of screed will be most affective. The main body of this essay will focus on the evidence both for and agisnt a personlised screed and attempt to provide a conhertent argument with which the reader can make up their own mind. A hypnotic intuction is the tool used by hypnotherypists in order to aid their clients in achieveing a trance state, it is known that this is harder for some clients to achieve then others, it is generaly accepted that some clients find it almost impossible to reach a trance state through hypnosis (Boys and Karle 2010), the majority of clients are however able to achieve light trance states and deeper. The simple fact that some clients find it easier to achieve hypnosis then other highlights the potential need for personalised inductions, every body is different, we all have different likes and dislikes, personalities and indeed life experiences that make us more responsive to different ques. When in a session with a client the words we use to produce a trance state are vary importent, more so then in a regular conversation, this is due to the fact that the client generally has their eyes closed and is therefore cut off from a great deal of the everyday comunication ques that aid in understanding each other. Body language is considered to make up 55% of human comunication with tone and volume making up 38% and words come in last making up just 7% of comunication. With words making up such a small percentage of how we comunicate with each other, the need for a personalised induction could be seen as vital, a way of taloring the words used so they have more meaning to the client and therefore much more impact. Two of the main types of induction are authoritarian and permissive, they are both vary different and have been shown to be effective in vary different situations with various clients. The authoritarian approch is vary direct and to the point, with the hypnotist playing the role of the authority figure, (Hadley and Staudacher 1996), it is believed that clients that respond best to this style are the ones that respone well to authroity figures in real life, people with a scientific backgrouds tend to respondà well, this style is effective on conditions such as anaxity, it is believed that problems such as this are often caused by an authortain figure in childhood and therefore need another authoratians figure in order to relieve the problem. On the other hand submissive styles tend to invovle the client and therpist as equals, a softer voice is often used and suggestion are offered rather then comands. The use of more guided imagery allows these inductions to be further personlised to suit the clients needs. more imaginative clients respond well to this style and it is perticulary valuabl in aiding clients that wish to achieve certain goals. The fact that these tw o different styles of inducton have been seen to be more affective on different clients and in different situations is strong eviedence for the need for personalised induction. The age of the client also affects which type of style that is used, it could be arued that children, who reach a peak point of suggestablity at around the age of ten(Boys and Karle 2001) may be more responsive to a permissive style due to the fact that choldren tend to be more imaginative then older clients. At the other end of the spectrum suggestablity declines with age so a more authertrian style may be more effective with an older client, it may also be in part to the fact that socialty was different when an older client was growing up with more importence and respect given to people with power and i higher inclination toward conformity (milgram, 1963). A futher way in which it has been therorised to personalise screeds is to use words that are assoiated with the clients modality. There are three main modalities, kinaesthetic, visual and autitory. Kinaesthetic clients are often vary in tune with their feelings and indeed the feelings of others, they enjoy phyical activity and fo r the purposes of hypnotic induction respond better to words that decribe feelings and touching things. It has been observered that poeple with this modality will show a prefence for texture and temperature words. Visual clients tend to be vary imaginative and have a tendency to daydream, they are more concerned with how things look, and for the purposes of hypnotic induction find it easier to visualise things. They use a lot of colour references. Lasty autitory clients are vary in tune with music and speech, anything that can be listened to, they tend to respond to words that relate to music and speech, such as listen and harmony. personalising introductions to suit modalities is a vital tool in aiding clients in their journey intoà hypnotic trance, the use of words that relate to the clients primary modality enable them to feel more safe and in control and allow them to more easiely facilitate themsevles in their session, purly due to the fact that the words choosen are ones they relate to more strongly. this is again strong eviendence for the need and power of personalised inductions. However it will now be considered if a personalised induction is always needed or fact sometimes not poss ible. The type of suggestion used is also a way of personalising a screed in order to suit a client. the are two types of suggestion available, the direct suggestion, which is short and too the point and given as more of a comand. This type of suggestion works better with the above mentioned authoritarian induction due to the fact that in these inducton the therpist is seen more as the authority figure and the client is more likley to respond possitivly by doing what the therpist asks. Indirct suggestion are more symbolic and are more suited for the more imagintive clients, they have been found to be vary usefull when resistence is present as they have a way of seeping into the subcousous symbolically, which the subcounsous responds vary well to. One of the most obvious instences when a less personalised induction is needed is during group therapy. this is not desirable for numerous reasons. As we discussed before everybody is different so what may be effective for one client may leave ano ther less then impressed and unable to achieve a satifacory trance state. In these instences a more general induction is required. inductions that are aimed at changing a habbit, such as quit smoking indutions are also more often then not best if they are not personaliesd, this could be due to the fact that changing a habbit is vary differcult work that may require a vary deep trance and often an authorative induction. Another time when a personlised induction is not needed would be for the purposes of hypnosis cds and Tv shows, again this is due to the fact that the hypnotheripist has no contact with the client and is therefore unable to construct a induction that is personalised for them. in the case of TV shows the hypnotist is talking to thousands of people at once, this brings about a need to create an induction that is extreamly general so as to hypnotise the most members of the audience at once. However it could be considered that a kineasthetic induction could be used as this is the modality that the majorty of people have a perference towards, and may well lead to a deeper trance for peopleà with this modality. is it better to spread word of mouth and gain popularity and notariatly though sucessfully hypnoting more people lightly or less people more sucessfully. There are also a number of induction available in which no verbal comunication are used. these so called non verble hypnotic in duction involve enabling the client into an hypnotic trance through the use of a seris of progressivly changes in posture, with the hypnotherapist moving around the room in front of the client. In order to bring the client back up from this trance the movements are simply reversed, many people claim that these types of inductions are quite effective. it is clear that the used of inductions such as these would not need to be personalised as no words are used, although the positions may need to be altered and it is possible that with certain clients that have a tendenciy to be less suggestable a longer seires of postures may be needed in order to achieve the desired level of trance. this type of induction may be vary usefull when dealing with clients that are hard of hearing or indeed deaf. However it must be considered that this induction could be more affective with clients that are more inclined to the visual modaltiy, and in such the cases the use of a non verble induction could be how the therapist has personalised the induction to suit the clients needs in order to achieve the best state possible in order to faciltate the clients goal. It should be noted that this is always the main aim of hypnotic induction, so the client recieves the best therapy the therpist can offer. In many of the stage shows and TV programs that featur e hypnosis the use of non verble hypnosis is often shown. This is often due to the fact that the perticipants have already been vetted and shown to be highly suggestive, so again this use of non verbal hypnosis could be used highly effectively with suggestable clients. It has become clear that the use of personalised inductions is vast and far reaching. It is also clear that in many cases the use of an induction that has been designed to cater for the clients personality, age, stage in treatment, modality and affliction is indeed a vary important and valuable tool in therapy and can aid in the depth of trance, enjoyment of hypnosis session and overall outcome. However on the other hand it can not be denined that this is not alway needed or indeed possible, group therpy sessions, treatment for addictions and pre recorded hypnotherpy sessions all benifit from a more general induction, however it should be pointed out that theà need for a more general induction is not due to the fact that this type of induction is more affective, more due to the fact that it is not plusable to hypnotise so many different people using a personalised induction at one time. In fact in many cases it could be argued that personalised induction may be more affective, on the flip side the use of group therapy has also been shown to be a valuable tool in the recovery of many disorders, which is more benifial, the personalised induction or the good consil that can be achieved with a group of people with similar problems as your own. It would also be important to note that at the start of a therapists career there will most likly be a perfence of the therapist towards a ccertian a style of induction, this may mean that they use a style that is less personalised and not nessacellaly the best for the client, however confidence is key with hypnotic induction so although the therapist should always indevour to use the best induction it may be more benifial for them to use the style they are most comfortable with. In conclution a personalised induction is the more affective choice in a wide range of cases, particalary in cases when therapy is likey to be more lengthy. however there are indeed times when a more generalised induction is the most effective route. it should be highlighted that both personalised and general inductions are a choice that is made by the client with the intention of delivering the best therapy possible, in this way even a decision to use a general induction could be considered a personalised chioce due to the fact that this is the route that the therapist deems best to take. In short a personalised induction is the most effective method in the vast majority of cases, however there are instences when this is not the case.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Shooting An Elephant Essay -- essays research papers
The story that my evaluation will be based on is Shooting an Elephant written in 1936. The author George Orwell was born in 1903 in India to a British officer raised in England. He attended Eton College, which introduced him to Englandââ¬â¢s middle and upper classes. He was denied a scholarship, which led him to become a police officer for the Indian Imperial in 1922. He served in Burma until resigning in 1927 due to the lack of respect for the justice of British Imperialism in Burma and India. He was now determined to become a writer, so at the brink of poverty he began to pay close attention to social outcasts and laborers. This led him to write Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) during the Spanish Civil War. He embodied his hate for totalitarian system in his book Animal Farm (1945). George Orwell fell to the disease of tuberculosis at forty-seven, but not before he released many works. He wrote six novels, three documentary works, over seven hundred reviews and newspaper articles, and a volume of essays (1149). This particular story was very interesting and found it to hold a lot of truth. Shooting an Elephant is about an English man that was a police officer in Burman, who was hated for his race and felt it almost impossible to do his job. He had to deal with a lot of hatred and disrespect, but yet he was expected to do what the townââ¬â¢s people asked of him when they asked. When the elephant got loose the first person the sub-inspector at the opposite end of the town called was the main character, who was to be nameless throughout the entire story. He wanted him to go do something about the loose elephant because the mahout (the keeper and driver of an elephant) was away and no one else could handle a situation such as this. The main character grabbed his 44 rifle and set out to find the elephant. The purpose of the gun was not to kill the elephant but to just scare it with the noise. Little did the officer know the act of grabbing the gun to just scare the elephant would lead to its demise. On the way to find the elephant the officer learned it had destroyed a garden, a bamboo hut, devoured some stock and had trampled a cow. As the officer went further on he found that the elephant had killed a townsman just minutes before. Now thinking that the elephant could be dangerous he asked for a larger and more powerful rifle. He only wanted the bigger gun in... ...t; I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool" (685). This made me feel that he had no real remorse for the killing and that his reputation was winning out over his very own conscious. This story did fit into this particular section very well because of the portrayal of the cultural and identity aspects of life. The officer is forced to deal with and question his identity by the feelings he has when finds and kills the elephant. The culture is represented by the "coolie, yellow faces, and Buddhist" (680-685). It also fits very well with the authorââ¬â¢s feelings on imperialism, because the main character states that he feels that it is an evil thing (680). In all consideration I understood why the author had to describe the slaughter of the elephant in such detail. It added to the effectiveness of the story by painting a very clear picture that the actions of the officer were wrong. His point would not have been taken so seriously if he just stated that the el ephant died after many shots or in any other basic way. Overall I did enjoy the message very much and felt that it fit into the section very well, but I did not care for the way the author displayed the message.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Trade Secrets
Case study LG Display workers charged with stealing Samsung OLEDà secrets Executive summary This report is related to confidentiality argument for the protection of trade secrets. The report investigates the conflict between Samsung and LG. Samsung claims that LG stole its display technology and blame its own Samsung employees. Samsung accused eleven people, including six of its own employees of stealing its trade secrets and it claims that LG has stole its display technology. IntroductionTrade secrets are any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge. Trade secrets can be manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets. It can be in form of ingredients/chemical composition of a product or the details of a manufacturing process. Trade secrets are the information that is kept secret by the companies to give them an advantage over their competitors. History and background Samsung Group is aà South Koreanà multinationalà compan y.It was founded byà Lee Byung-chullà in 1938 as a trading company. Its headquarter is in Samsung Town,à Seoul Korea. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under theà Samsungà brand, and are the largest South Koreanà company. It is worldwide famous brand. According to the founder of Samsung Group, the meaning of theà wordà Samsung is ââ¬Å"tristarâ⬠or ââ¬Å"three starsâ⬠. The word ââ¬Å"threeâ⬠represents something ââ¬Å"big, numerous and powerfulâ⬠; the ââ¬Å"starsâ⬠meanà eternity. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s. You can read also Thin Film Solar CellIn 1938,à Lee Byung-chullà who belongs to large landowning family foundedà Samsung Sanghoe, a small trading company with forty employees located in Su-dong. It dealt in groceries produced in and around the city and produced its own noodles. After that Lee started sugar refinery and woolen mill. It was the largest ever in the country and the company took on the aspect of a major company. In 1948, the Hyosung groupââ¬â¢s founder joined Samsung group and invested in a new company called Samsung Mulsan Gongsa or the Samsung Trading Corporation, ith the Samsung Group. The trading firm grew to become the present-day Samsung C&T Corporation. But after some years these two companies Samsung and Hyosung separated due to differences in management between them. In the late 1960s, Samsung Group entered into the electronics industry. It formed several electronics-related divisions, such as Samsung Electronics Devices Co. , Samsung Electro-Mechanics C o. , Samsung Corning Co. , and Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co. , and made the facility inà Suwon which lies about 30 km south of Seoul.Its first electronic product was a black-and-white television set. In 1980, Samsung entered the telecommunications hardware industry. Its early products were switchboards. Then it started to developed the telephone and fax manufacturing systems and became the centre of Samsung's mobile phone manufacturing which is one of the top mobile company in the world now. They have produced over 800 million mobile phones till now. Samsung diversified into many areas established Samsung as an industryà leader in a wide range of enterprises, moving into businesses such as insurance, securities, and retail..Samsung started to rise as an international corporation in the 1990s. Samsung became the largest producer of memory chips in the world in 1992, and is the world's second-largest chipmaker afterà Intel. In 1995, it created its firstà liqui d-crystal displayà screen. Ten years later, Samsung grew to be the world's largest manufacturer of liquid-crystal display panels. Sony, which had not invested in large-sizeà TFT-LCDs, contacted Samsung to cooperate, and, in 2006,à S-LCDà was established as a joint venture between Samsung and Sony in order to provide a stable supply of LCD panels for both manufacturers.S-LCDà was owned by Samsung 51% share and Sony 49% share. As on 26 December 2011 it was announced that Samsung had acquired the stake of Sony in this joint venture. In the first quarter of 2012, Samsung Electronics became theà world's largest mobile phone makerà by unit sales, overtakingà Nokia, which had been the market leader since 1998. LG Corporationà is a South Koreanà multinationalà conglomerate corporation formed by Koo In-Hwoi in 1947. It is the fourth-largest company South Korea, after Samsung Group, Hyundai Motors Group and SK group.Its headquarters are situated in the LG Twin Towers bui lding in Seoul. LG is specialized in makingà electronics, chemicals, and telecom products. The LG Group was a merger of two Korean companies, Lucky and GoldStar, from which the abbreviation ofà LGà was derived. The current ââ¬Å"Life's Goodâ⬠slogan is a backronym. Before the corporate name change toà LG, household products were sold under the brand name ofLucky, while electronic products were sold under the brand name ofà GoldStarà . In January 2009 LG was able to buy the domain nameLG. om, for a price reportedly to be more than $100 million, placing it among the companies who own their two letter brand's domain name. [7] In 1994 GoldStar gained sponsorship from The 3DO Company to make the first 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. In 1995, GoldStar was renamed LG Electronics, and acquired Zenith Electronics of the United States. LG Solar Energy is a subsidiary formed in 2007 to allowà LG Chemà to supply polysilicon to LG Electronics for production of solar cells. In 2008, LG took its first dive into the solar-panel manufacturing pool, as it announced a preliminary deal to form a joint venture with Conergy.Under the deal, set to be completed by year's end, LG would acquire a 75 percent stake in Conergy's Frankfurt solar-panel plant. LG has produced camcorders called ARTCAM and DSLRs. LG Electronics has about 75 subsidiaries worldwide with around 91,045 employees. LG Electronics ownsà Zenith (subsidiary)à and controls 37. 9 percent ofà LG Display. LG Electronics' products includes computers, television, mobie phones, home appliances and semiconductors like DRAM, SDRAM and flash memory. LG Electronics introduced their firstà Internet TVà in 2007, originally branded as ââ¬Å"NetCast Entertainment Accessâ⬠devices.They later renamed the 2011 Internet TV's to ââ¬Å"LGà Smart TVâ⬠when moreà interactive televisionà features were added, that enables the audience to receive information from the Internet while at the same time watching conventional TV programming. includeà computers,à televisions,à mobilephones,à home appliancesà andà semiconductorsà (DRAM,à SDRAMà andflash mem a http://bgr. com/2012/07/17/lg-display-samsung-oled-technology-theft/ http://www. samsung. com/uk/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/history06. html Trade Secrets Case study LG Display workers charged with stealing Samsung OLEDà secrets Executive summary This report is related to confidentiality argument for the protection of trade secrets. The report investigates the conflict between Samsung and LG. Samsung claims that LG stole its display technology and blame its own Samsung employees. Samsung accused eleven people, including six of its own employees of stealing its trade secrets and it claims that LG has stole its display technology. IntroductionTrade secrets are any confidential business information which provides an enterprise a competitive edge. Trade secrets can be manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets. It can be in form of ingredients/chemical composition of a product or the details of a manufacturing process. Trade secrets are the information that is kept secret by the companies to give them an advantage over their competitors. History and background Samsung Group is aà South Koreanà multinationalà compan y.It was founded byà Lee Byung-chullà in 1938 as a trading company. Its headquarter is in Samsung Town,à Seoul Korea. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under theà Samsungà brand, and are the largest South Koreanà company. It is worldwide famous brand. According to the founder of Samsung Group, the meaning of theà wordà Samsung is ââ¬Å"tristarâ⬠or ââ¬Å"three starsâ⬠. The word ââ¬Å"threeâ⬠represents something ââ¬Å"big, numerous and powerfulâ⬠; the ââ¬Å"starsâ⬠meanà eternity. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s. You can read also Thin Film Solar CellIn 1938,à Lee Byung-chullà who belongs to large landowning family foundedà Samsung Sanghoe, a small trading company with forty employees located in Su-dong. It dealt in groceries produced in and around the city and produced its own noodles. After that Lee started sugar refinery and woolen mill. It was the largest ever in the country and the company took on the aspect of a major company. In 1948, the Hyosung groupââ¬â¢s founder joined Samsung group and invested in a new company called Samsung Mulsan Gongsa or the Samsung Trading Corporation, ith the Samsung Group. The trading firm grew to become the present-day Samsung C&T Corporation. But after some years these two companies Samsung and Hyosung separated due to differences in management between them. In the late 1960s, Samsung Group entered into the electronics industry. It formed several electronics-related divisions, such as Samsung Electronics Devices Co. , Samsung Electro-Mechanics C o. , Samsung Corning Co. , and Samsung Semiconductor & Telecommunications Co. , and made the facility inà Suwon which lies about 30 km south of Seoul.Its first electronic product was a black-and-white television set. In 1980, Samsung entered the telecommunications hardware industry. Its early products were switchboards. Then it started to developed the telephone and fax manufacturing systems and became the centre of Samsung's mobile phone manufacturing which is one of the top mobile company in the world now. They have produced over 800 million mobile phones till now. Samsung diversified into many areas established Samsung as an industryà leader in a wide range of enterprises, moving into businesses such as insurance, securities, and retail..Samsung started to rise as an international corporation in the 1990s. Samsung became the largest producer of memory chips in the world in 1992, and is the world's second-largest chipmaker afterà Intel. In 1995, it created its firstà liqui d-crystal displayà screen. Ten years later, Samsung grew to be the world's largest manufacturer of liquid-crystal display panels. Sony, which had not invested in large-sizeà TFT-LCDs, contacted Samsung to cooperate, and, in 2006,à S-LCDà was established as a joint venture between Samsung and Sony in order to provide a stable supply of LCD panels for both manufacturers.S-LCDà was owned by Samsung 51% share and Sony 49% share. As on 26 December 2011 it was announced that Samsung had acquired the stake of Sony in this joint venture. In the first quarter of 2012, Samsung Electronics became theà world's largest mobile phone makerà by unit sales, overtakingà Nokia, which had been the market leader since 1998. LG Corporationà is a South Koreanà multinationalà conglomerate corporation formed by Koo In-Hwoi in 1947. It is the fourth-largest company South Korea, after Samsung Group, Hyundai Motors Group and SK group.Its headquarters are situated in the LG Twin Towers bui lding in Seoul. LG is specialized in makingà electronics, chemicals, and telecom products. The LG Group was a merger of two Korean companies, Lucky and GoldStar, from which the abbreviation ofà LGà was derived. The current ââ¬Å"Life's Goodâ⬠slogan is a backronym. Before the corporate name change toà LG, household products were sold under the brand name ofLucky, while electronic products were sold under the brand name ofà GoldStarà . In January 2009 LG was able to buy the domain nameLG. om, for a price reportedly to be more than $100 million, placing it among the companies who own their two letter brand's domain name. [7] In 1994 GoldStar gained sponsorship from The 3DO Company to make the first 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. In 1995, GoldStar was renamed LG Electronics, and acquired Zenith Electronics of the United States. LG Solar Energy is a subsidiary formed in 2007 to allowà LG Chemà to supply polysilicon to LG Electronics for production of solar cells. In 2008, LG took its first dive into the solar-panel manufacturing pool, as it announced a preliminary deal to form a joint venture with Conergy.Under the deal, set to be completed by year's end, LG would acquire a 75 percent stake in Conergy's Frankfurt solar-panel plant. LG has produced camcorders called ARTCAM and DSLRs. LG Electronics has about 75 subsidiaries worldwide with around 91,045 employees. LG Electronics ownsà Zenith (subsidiary)à and controls 37. 9 percent ofà LG Display. LG Electronics' products includes computers, television, mobie phones, home appliances and semiconductors like DRAM, SDRAM and flash memory. LG Electronics introduced their firstà Internet TVà in 2007, originally branded as ââ¬Å"NetCast Entertainment Accessâ⬠devices.They later renamed the 2011 Internet TV's to ââ¬Å"LGà Smart TVâ⬠when moreà interactive televisionà features were added, that enables the audience to receive information from the Internet while at the same time watching conventional TV programming. includeà computers,à televisions,à mobilephones,à home appliancesà andà semiconductorsà (DRAM,à SDRAMà andflash mem a http://bgr. com/2012/07/17/lg-display-samsung-oled-technology-theft/ http://www. samsung. com/uk/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/history06. html
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Good afternoon friends Essay
The theme of Vicki L. Sears ââ¬Å"Graceâ⬠can be seen in the relationship that develops between two of the characters, Billie Jim and Paul. Billie is an orphan who gets along with his sister and is adopted by Paul and his wife. Billie displays a desire to trust and accept their new parents while sister remains suspicious. Vickie Sears illustrate that although children suffer abuse and neglect, there is hope that they can learn to trust and build self-esteem. Billie Jim is a silent child who relies on his sister to protect him. Paul and his wife come to get them but Billie is hiding in a tree to escape from some of the bigger boys. His sister steps in and fights the older boys to get Billie down. She describes him as a ââ¬Å"sissyâ⬠. Billie has to use the bathroom, but instead of asking their new parents he pinches his sister. Paul takes him to the restroom and his sisters concern gives us an understanding into prior abuse and possible reasons for Billie Jimââ¬â¢s reserved behavior. Although Paul would never hurt Billie Jim intentionally at theà end of the story he does. His death not only means an end to their relationship, but also an end to their secure home and protection. Billie loses the starring role along with the friend he has made, and is back into his uncertain life led by corrupt adults. ââ¬Å"The Lessonâ⬠by Toni Cade Bambara is when Toni attended college and come of age as a writer. Bambara was at the head of radical politics, the feminist movement, and African American culture in Harlem when it was the 60ââ¬â¢s. Her writing uncovers the differences forced onà African Americans of that time which America avoided and could not interfere. The story is a window for the reader into Bambaraââ¬â¢s reality as much as it is a lesson for the immature woman Sylvia the main character. ââ¬Å"The Lessonâ⬠is a first person narrative told by a young, poor, black girl growing up in Harlem in an undetermined time period known as ââ¬Å"Back in the days when everyone was old and stupid or young and foolish, Sugar and I were the only ones just rightâ⬠. Going by the prices some can accept it was sometime in the early seventies. The story is about a trip started by a local woman, who is the only educated person in the neighborhood and has taken it upon herself to uncover the unthankful children of the neighborhood to the world outside of their worried community. The last stop is FAO Schwartz in Manhattan, where the toys of white children cost more than all of the childrenââ¬â¢s household yearly incomes combined and the lesson is almost lost on the children. The story closes by making plans to spend the left over cab fare change they stole from Miss Moore. At the last second Sylvia turns on her friend and goes off alone to think of the events of the day. The storyââ¬â¢s theme focuses on education and the need for education as the results of knowledge. It proves how learning can lead to grief but that the grief is necessary for helpful change. The author also studies different types of pride and purposes of leadership and the various ways people show respect or disrespect for each other. Underlying the entire story is the concept of economic difference between whites and blacks in the United States.
Friday, November 8, 2019
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work
#1 Business Writing Recommendation for Everything You Write at Work There are two fundamental questions that you should ask yourself before you write anything in business. Actually, you should ask yourself these questions before any kind of business communication in business, whether it takes the form of meetings, discussions, presentations, email, or major documents. This is my most important business recommendation that frames much of the work in our business writing courses. These two questions ensure that everything else about the document falls into place. It frames the essence of the communication. Skip these questions, and your document will not work in the most important way:helping your reader know or do what you seek. This is how you elicit the business response you seek. Business writing is a rhetoric entirely dependent on your audience, and it is also very results-oriented. We shouldn't be writing, or discussing, or presenting, if we don't have something to say. If you can't answer these questions, stop! There is no need write or say anything. My #1 Business Writing Recommendation Ask yourself these two important questions before you write anything at work: Question # 1 - Who is my reader? There are really two aspects to this question. 1.a - Who will actually be reading this document (or listening to your presentation or discussion)? Name them, so they are clear in your mind. Writing this down will help you frame your readers in your mind more clearly. 1.b - What is their unique perspective? (We summarize this in business writing trainingmore bluntly, and ask participants to explain "What's their deal?") Consider those readers you identified and analyze them. For example: Are they skimmers? If so, you need to consider format more, and likely include headings and white space and even graphics so it's easy skim. Are they focused on budget? Be sure you include clear cost/benefit content since that is important to them. Are they stubborn? You need to include specific, concrete facts to sway their opinion. You may also need to include some content that lets them change their opinion and still appear right. Are they a grammar perfectionist? You need to proofread very, very carefully. Are they a hot head? You may need to buffer the document, since you know they're quick to react and disengage before they read your good justifications. Are they familiar with your subject? You will need less background information, if so. Are they unfamiliar with your subject? Conversely, they will need clear background or context information. Are they committed to a particular viewpoint? If so, be sure to address how your information relates, because you know that will be their implicit question. And so on. Ask yourself what matters most to this reader. Do this, and your content will match audience needs. Skip this, and your content will likely have gaps or over-explanation or be off the mark. Question # 2 - What do I want my reader to know or do? This clarifies the purpose of your document. This question helps you guide your reader directly to the business outcome you seek. It pushes the information into the enterprise information flow. The answer to this question should be reflected in your conclusion. Make it easy for your reader to respond. This way, the document works. Do you see how these essential questions dramatically reframe every document? By considering your audience carefully and defining purpose, you will be able to provide the relevant content for your particular readers. Your readers will be able to understand or do what you are requesting. And, they will bemuch more amenable if you address their perspective. The Outcome Your document advances your business goals. Your reader is able to respond or understand the significance immediately. That is always the essential goal of all business writing. Always, be certain to ask these essential questionsfor every document you write. If you do, you can be confident you will have a framework of content that works. These simple steps change everything.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Social Media Competitive Analysis Using One to Find Actionable Ideas
Social Media Competitive Analysis Using One to Find Actionable Ideas Trying to get your businessââ¬â¢s voice heard among thousands of others is difficult, to say the least. Then add in the fact that youââ¬â¢re now dealing with businesses who are competing for the same dollars and eyeballs that you are. Itââ¬â¢s intimidating. To be heard above the noise and chatter on social media, you always have to be one step ahead. Conducting a full competitive analysis allows your social team to gain insight into what your competitors are doing, which in turn can inspire your team. By reading this post, youââ¬â¢re going to learn: How to find your real competition (even if its not who you might think it is). How to find the right data and metrics to track on your competitors. How to use the information you find to create a better social media strategy. The insights your team will gain from the process will allow you to make informed, educated decisions on how to plan and execute your social media strategy. Do Better Social Media Competitor Analysis With This Free Template Before you can start doing competitive research, youll need somewhere to store your data and findings. Thats where our competitive research template enters the picture. Download it now and deliver the inside scoop on your competition more easily.How To Get Actionable Ideas From Your Social Media Competitive AnalysisSo, What Exactly Does Competitive Analysis Entail? A competitor analysis on social media is exactly what it sounds like. In simplest terms, it involves the following: Finding your competition (including emerging competitors you may not have heard about). Analyzing what they're doing (and how well they're performing) on social media. Using your findings to inform your own social media marketing strategy (and zig when everyone else zags). That about sums it up. DID YOU KNOW: When you're ready to plan and execute your own social campaigns, offers all the power and functionality you need? Try it free for 14 days now. Step One: Build Your Toolbox The first step in your social media competitor analysis process is going to involve finding the right tools to aid your research. While you can find a decent amount of information through simply searching your competitor's profiles, having tools will allow you to go deeper into your analysis and find the data youââ¬â¢re looking for. Mention Mentionà is our preferred social media listening tool here at . It has a ton of features, but it's primarily used to track brand mentions on social and gauge whether you're being talked about more than your competition. Here's a quick video rundown on how it works: FanPage Karma Fanpage Karmaà is another social media reporting tool. It helps measure: Audience growth. Total number of fans. Gathering post-level insights. Engagement rate. Overall competitive performance across channels. Here's a quick demonstration of its social media monitoring features: Rival IQ Rival IQà is a powerful analytics tool that helps track: Audience growth. Hashtag use. Key influencers. Boosted posts. Keyword rankings. Domain authority. Here's a lengthy walkthrough video from Jay Baer and Seth Bridges breaking down how to use it for competitive analysis: Simply Measured Simply Measuredà in another powerful tool that will allow you track: Post content types. Engagements per post. New followers. The number of messages they send. Overall audience total. And a lot more: In-App Analytics Facebook and LinkedIn both make it easy to gather competitive data directly in-app. Here's where to find that information on each channel. Facebook: To find your Facebook data, select Insights. Scroll down your insights page to the bottom, where you'll find a section calledà Pages To Watchà . Here you will see where your Facebook page is ranking among your top five competitors. You can see who else Facebook sees as your competition by selecting See More Pages. LinkedIn: To find how your company page is doing in LinkedIn analytics, select Manage Page, then Analytics. In Analytics a drop down menu will appear. Select Followers. In the followers section, scroll down to the bottom of the page. There you will find your top five competitors and their growth over the past thirty days. You can see more of your competitors by scrolling through the pages at the bottom of the screen. These reports are pretty small compared to some of the analytics reports that youââ¬â¢ll find in other tools however they are a nice base to jump off of. To Do: Choose competitive research toolsà that will help aid your competitive analysis research. Step Two: Find Your Competitors The next step in your competitor analysis is finding the competitors that you want to track. This is a vital part of your analysis because who you choose as your competitors will determine what youââ¬â¢re going to judge your social strategy against. Before you jump straight into your research there are two things you need to do first: Determine if youââ¬â¢re working with direct or indirect competitors. Understand your level of competition (local, regional, national, global, etc). There are two types of competitors:à Direct and Indirect. Direct competitors are the ones who offer the same services and products as you. For example, Dominoââ¬â¢s Pizzaââ¬â¢s direct competitors would be Pizza Hut, Godfather's and other delivery places. All of them offer the same services and a relatively similar product. Indirect competitors are the ones who offer some of the same services that you do, but it may not be all that they do. Unlike direct competitors, indirect competitors will overlap somewhat with your business strategy but not completely. If we go back to our Dominoââ¬â¢s example, some of their competitors would be Walmart, DiGiornoââ¬â¢s, convenience stores or other grocery stores that sell pizza. In order to decide who youââ¬â¢re going to research first, your team needs to determine if you compete at a local, regional, national, or global level. Then, buckle down and see if you can turn up competitors in your market at each level. Google Search Google is one of the easiest and most obvious tools to find competitors. Google is careful to serve results aligned with the search intent and location of the search, which means that you need to be specific in what you are looking for and where. Things like ââ¬Å"Starbucks near meâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Holiday Innââ¬â¢s in Sacramento Californiaâ⬠are ways to show Google that youââ¬â¢re looking for a specific company or place within one area. For a local search, it could look something like: Note that attaching a city to your search is key to helping you find those local results. Especially if you want to change the town that you are looking in. Aà regional searchà could look like: And a national search could look like this: In-App Searches If you want to look for competitors through a specific social media channel, you can usually find them through an in-app search: To complete state and nation wide searches, change the end of your search wide to a state or the US. In addition to Facebook, Instagram also allows a location specific search. However, to see results you need to scroll through the list that pops up after your search. If you click or hit enter, it will take you to the top tagged location for that area. Another limit to the Instagram search is that locations need to be tagged on each post. That means your results will not be all encompassing like Facebook or Google. Industry Publications Most industries will have some kind of industry publicationà where people can get the latest news on trends and industry tips. Think your industry is too boring to have its own media? You might be surprised. In order to find them, you need to turn once again to the almighty Google (or whatever search engine you prefer to use). Think your industry is too boring to have its own publications? Think again.To find those publications, type in publications for [insert industry here] industry. Alternately, you can also search "blogs" or "magazines" in place of "publications" to make sure your search is thorough. Google will then populate a list of the top publications related to your industry, which you can then explore. To Do: Conduct three different searches across Google, social media sites, and industry publications both on and offline to help find competitors. Step Three: Choose Your Top Five Competitors This is probably one of the most difficult parts of your process because after your research you could have a huge list of competitors. Instead of having a list of competitors that extends a page or two down your document, narrow your field down to your top five. They can span across different sizes and locations, meaning that you could have a mix of direct and indirect competitors, and local, regional, and national brands. Other metrics that you could use to help choose your competitors could be: Similar audience size. Services offered. Same number of locations. The main thing that you need to ask yourself is, who do you want to go toe-to-toe with and why? At this point, you can pull out that competitive analysis template that you downloaded earlier. Youââ¬â¢ll notice the first tab is labeled Introduction: In that first tab you can enter in: The name of your competitor. Their location. Whether theyââ¬â¢re a direct or indirect competitor. Their website link. To Do: Choose your top five competitors based on Whether or not theyââ¬â¢re a direct competitor. Is your competitor a local, regional, or national brand. Enter your chosen competitors into your competitive analysis report. Step Four: Set Competitive Analysis Goals Your team is taking the time to research and monitor your competitors for a reason. But if you donââ¬â¢t know what that reason is, youââ¬â¢re going to end up sitting on a bunch of data wondering what you can do with it. To make sure that your team doesnââ¬â¢t waste their time, take the time to ask why this analysis is important and what questions are you hoping to answer? Some example questions that you could answer are: What gaps are our competitors leaving that we could fill to entice our target audience to choose us? What are our competitors doing well that would be difficult for us to take the time to replicate? How quickly are they growing compared to us? What types of content are they publishing that is causing their audience to interact with it? How often are they responding to their fans? These questions arenââ¬â¢t all inclusive by any means, but they can serve as a jumping off point for your team. Are you setting goals for your #social #media competitive analysis?You can also set goals that help put you above your competition. What that means for your team is: if you see your top competitor is growing their followers by a certain percentage, you want to grow your followers even faster. How you go on to tackle your competition will be up to you. If your competitors are growing their following by x% every month, how can you recreate that progress? You also need to determine if where your competitors are growing is something you want to invest your time into. If your competitors are growing their followers, good for them, but maybe your team wants to focus on content instead? Some questions to ask your team: What are some ways that we can increase our follower growth to x% above our top competitor? How many messages do we currently send on [Channel]? How can we increase that number? What can we do to increase our engagements per post on [Channel]? To Do: Brainstorm with your social media team and choose three questions to start that you want your competitor analysis to answer for you. You can add more as your team begins the process but donââ¬â¢t overwhelm them by trying to answer all 12 at once. Step Five: Choose The Channels Youââ¬â¢ll Monitor So you have your top five competitors. Now what? Time to choose the channels youââ¬â¢ll be monitoring. With this process, youââ¬â¢ll have two different options. The first is to monitor the channels that you are active on and only observe channels that both you and your competitors are on. Meaning if youââ¬â¢re on Twitter and your competitor is on Twitter and Facebook, youââ¬â¢d only be observing their activity on Twitter. Your second option is to monitor all of your competitorââ¬â¢s social channels even if they are not active on all of the same ones that you are. In your competitive analysis template, youââ¬â¢ll see a tab dedicated to each social media channel. Depending on which channels youââ¬â¢re tracking, youââ¬â¢ll need to fill out the competitorââ¬â¢s name, their username or handle for each as well as a link to their profile: Youââ¬â¢ll need to repeat that process for every social media channel that your team has decided to track your competitors on. Weââ¬â¢ll go over the rest of those columns a little later in this post. Do better #social #media competitive analysis with this guide + free templateStep Six: Check Out Their Content Strategy The next part of your analysis is going to involve researching and analyzing your competitorââ¬â¢s content strategy for every channel that they are active on. For this part of your research, turn to the Content Strategy tab in your template: Youââ¬â¢ll notice that this tab is laid out a little different than the rest, but donââ¬â¢t worry, weââ¬â¢ll go over how to fill in the data youââ¬â¢ve collected. The first thing you need to do is fill in the name of one of the competitors youââ¬â¢re looking to gather information on. For this example, letââ¬â¢s pretend weââ¬â¢re doing competitive research on Starbucks. Your template would look like this: Determine Post Type The first content strategy metric your team is going to track is post type. There are four types of posts that a brand can share on social media: Curated:à Posts where the original article, photo, video, etc. was created by someone else and then shared by the brand later. Original:à Posts where the content has been created by the brand and shared to its social channels. Promotional:à Posts where their main goal is to get their audience members to buy or subscribe to something. Educational:à Posts where their main goal is to educate the intended audience. So now that you have your four post types, you can begin to go through your competitorââ¬â¢s channels. How in depth your team wants to go will determine how far back youââ¬â¢re going to go into their social channels and normally falls into one of three segments: One week One month Six months Once you determine how far back you want to track their posts you can begin scrolling through feeds and recording the different types of posts you see: So letââ¬â¢s say that you scroll through Starbucksââ¬â¢s Facebook feed and see that they publish onà average seven messages per week, some are knowledge posts and some are curated posts. Then of those posts you see that 2 knowledge posts are in a video format, one is a photo and one is a blog. The curated posts on the other hand are all links. Keep track of those different media formats in your spreadsheet as well: The final section that youââ¬â¢re going to fill out about post types in this tab is the number of times they post within a certain date: You may need to add additional lines if there is more than one frequent post type. To do this, highlight the row you want to add to, right click your mouse and select Insert: You can continue repeating this process for each of your competitorââ¬â¢s social channels. Recommended Reading: How to Develop a Winning Social Media Content Strategy (Free Template) Record The Media Type You may notice another tab in your spreadsheet entitled Media Type. This is a section in your report where you can keep track of every content type that your competitors are using on each of their social channels. The initial list that we put into this template was: Blogs E-Books Reports Videos White pages Podcasts Landing Pages Articles Infographics Quote Graphics GIFââ¬â¢s Check off each media type as it appears on your competitorââ¬â¢s profile: Determine The Voice And Tone Used On Each Channel Another part of your content strategyà analysis will be seeing what type of voice and tone your competitors are using on their social channels. Arenââ¬â¢t voice and tone the same thing? No, while they are similar there are subtle differences that need to be identified. Voice: Overall brand personality. Voice can be developed and described many different ways although a common practice is to summarize it in three adjectivesà that encompasses how the brand sounds overall. Tone: Tone isà emotional or feeling that a brand puts behind itââ¬â¢s voice and it will change depending on the context and content of the post. As youââ¬â¢re scrolling through competitor's posts, take note of how their posts sound. Are they professional like Microsoft: Part of the hip crowd like MTV: Or family friendly like Disney: Once you have their voice and or tone determined you can record it in your spreadsheet:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Jurisprudence in Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Jurisprudence in Law - Essay Example In a legalist hypotheses cosmos, eschatological issues are always at hand and must always be subject to lawyers as they can themselves never be ultimately determined (Macdonald and Kleinhans 1997, p. 25). Having picked up our eyes up to the sky we face the confrontation of thinking about the interaction of law again, and from where can we discover a methodology to surmount the hypothetical difference lies between law and human contact The legal pluralist project is, certainly, not about paying any attention to differences by counting them under a structural-operational mold that claims to find a solitary justification for the different magnitudes of legal normativity1 (B.Z. Tamanaha 1993, pg. 192). But this keeps away from the predicament of responsibility only by abstaining from (in any case apparently) any grave commitment with normative case. One might ask whether this provides any proper knowledge and information on the nature of law. Somewhat, the objective is to represent legal and social observable facts with respect to each other and in their full opulence and aspects, inquiring and checking conceptions and classes by which legal and societal life are presented as sporadic (D aniel 2001). LegaLegal pluralism has developed as a response to the leading viewpoint of "lawful centralism", explicitly the standpoint that "law is and ought to be the law of the country, uniform for all people, not including all other laws, and managed by a particular set of state bodies" (Griffiths 1986: 3). As vehemently nurturing a pluralistic insight of social existence soaked with diverse normative arrangements, Griffiths espoused an exceptionally colossal reflection of the state itself. The texts on legal pluralism have tendencies to speak the words of social science, as suited in its foundation in anthropology and sociology (Sally Engle 1988). It takes a peripheral standpoint that is concerned with unfolding the way wherein norms build up, set it, and are being relevant in societal contexts. It is concerning with distinguishing the existence and process of those traditions and norms. Establishing the law is conjured up as an issue of attaining information, of discriminating the norms fu nctioning in a social field (Sally Engle 1988). The norms are alleged to be present. The objective of intellectuals is to distinguish and illustrate them. Legal pluralists don't, on the other hand, treat law in the naive way now and then ascribed to the legal theorists: they don't mull over law minimally to be anything board of adjudicators and legal representatives happen to do, as the plain practices that are carried out by lawyers, deprived of all logic of commitment. Diverse pluralists give an explanation for the compulsory force of norms in a different way. Some, like Sally Falk Moore (1978), give emphasis to functionalist details: norms enable inevitability and hence harmonization in human contact; they come out and are continued by the requirement to smooth the progress of societal interaction. Her lawful pluralism has a clearly embittered nature, paying limited concentration to assertions of cultural legitimacy or opinion about 'fair dealing', justice. Actually, she is in general nonchalant with the sources of norms. In her work, the norms have a tendency to be set
Friday, November 1, 2019
Managing Change at Cox's Container Company Essay
Managing Change at Cox's Container Company - Essay Example It is also clear from the case study that the company faced change resistance from employees. In addition, the employees lacked the current skills and knowledge necessary to understand the budgeting system. This paper will analyse the challenges facing Cox Container Company and provide alternative solutions to the problems. In addition, the most suitable recommendations will also be proposed. Finally, the plan of action will be outlined on how the recommendations can be implemented. According to Huczynski & Buchanan (2013, p.6), organisational behaviour explains the conduct of individuals in a company. It is the social conduct of people that trigger them to act and live in groups. In order to maintain collaboration and attain goals, some form of structural associations has to be created. On the other hand, the organisation is a social system of co-ordination that is created to expand personal achievement that is aimed at goal attainment. The organisational behaviour is a reflection of actions and attitudes exhibited by employees in an organisation. From the case study, the organisational behaviour of Cox Container Company is developed by the fact that the employees are from the same ethnic background. From this perspective, the employees share same values and meanings held by the community, and this influences their actions. In addition, the culture is reflected in the attitudes and conduct of people or groups. A perfect example of how people share a common culture act is revealed in the operation department. In this case, the personnel working in the production department are seen to jealously to guard the independence they enjoy under their long-serving manager. The advantage of this form of organisational behaviour is that the company can attain its goals and objectives through staff loyalty. The individuals working in the company share a similar perception, therefore,
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