Sunday, May 26, 2019

How to Improve Decomposition Rate of Rotary Kiln

lap kiln is a machine whose working temperature can reach the temperature to calclne superfine kaolin. At present the rotary kiln technology In our state of matter Is mature and advanced, which represents the development direction of calcination technology of superfine kaolin. However, the vector decomposition lay of rotary kiln is not high enough, we should Impove the decomposition rate of rotary kiln. Do you bonk how?Decomposition rate of kiln showed that the extent of the carbonate In the raw material is broken, with preheating decomposition system equipment design is reasonable, whether appropriate process parameters. Kiln decomposition rate is the maln Indicators of decomposition furnace running normally, the decomposition rate is high, the decomposition furnace at full play, thus to appropriately increase the rate of decomposition into the kiln. Can take the following some(prenominal) measures to attain the goal of Improve the decomposition rate of kiln. 1 .Setting, ember feeding full point position and quantity, to consider the raw material before charging with sufficient space for the fuel combustion, peculiarly for difficult combustion of anthracite, but also introduced three times the position of the wind irection, etc. , not only to check over uniform powderise coal combustion in full, the whole furnace in the thermometer minimum temperature difference between both should not exceed 20 30 degrees Celsius. By improving the mixing of the raw material and coal powder level, how to improve the heat transfer equilibrium.For the larger, should not only set a charging point and coal point, need appropriate layout more. 2. Decomposition furnace design should consider the flammability of fuel, the volume of material itself in furnace you have plenty of time. lnfluenced by grade of pulverized oal and pulverized coal fineness, high volatile pulverized coal, pulverized coal fine, raw materials and the residence time of pulverized coal are needed can b e slightly shorter, pulverized coal combustion space can also be less alone, not even.On the other hand, will stay longer, pulverized coal combustion space alone. 3. Decomposition furnace design should consider the volume of the decomposition rate of raw powder. lt is not only related to the characteristics of the limestone, also associated with the atmosphere of decomposing furnace, especially on-line decomposition of c02 content is higher in furnaces fumes, go against the ecomposition rate of limestone. impove the decomposition rate of rotary kiln http//www. china-crusher. com/ news342. tm How to Improve Decomposition Rate of Rotary Kiln By fengyanyanl 990 calcine superfine kaolin. At present the rotary kiln technology in our country is high enough, we should impove the decomposition rate of rotary kiln. Do you sleep together Decomposition rate of kiln showed that the extent of the carbonate in the raw main indicators of decomposition furnace running normally, the decomposition r ate goal of improve the decomposition rate of kiln. should not exceed 20 30 degrees Celsius. By improving the mixing of the raw

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